What does my cat’s face say

by Caroline Crevier-Chabot

Cats and humans don’t speak the same language, but there are other ways for us to understand one another.

Practising observing your cat will allow you to start to “read” them better.

Let’s look at three pictures. This is my cat Léa.

In the picture on the left, the shape of the eyes is almond like, the pupils are slits, the muzzle and the jaw are relaxed. Léa is calmly looking at the camera.

In the middle picture, the eyes have a round shape, the pupils are dilated (without being circles, they are larger than the eyes in the previous picture), the muzzle is a bit more « activated », less relaxed. Léa was surprised and she’s trying to acquire information.

In the picture on the right, the eyes are big circles, the pupils are huge circles, the muzzle and jaw are tense, sort of squished, the neck is stretched out, the head out from its comfortable position on the shoulder in the first picture. Léa is alert and worried.

Of course, because I know the context of each picture, I know why Léa reacts the way she does. The context is really important when we analyze the body language of an animal. By looking at the different elements of the face one by one, and then by putting them together in context, we can understand better what our animal feels in the moment.

How is this useful to you? Well, the first step towards a better understanding of why your cat is acting the way they do it to start to be able to read them. Does your cat currently look more like the Léa on the left or the Léa on the right ? And what about when the dog enters the room ? Or when the kids come back from school ? What about when they are at the vet ? By reading our cat, we can better understand their emotional state and therefore have more empathy for them and so better start to help them to overcome what makes them uncomfortable.

Reading body language also allows you to better identify what activities help your cat to de-escalate their internal state after a stressful event. Does searching for some treats in a snuffle mat help your cat to feel better? Or is a play session with wand toys better ?

Would you like to know more about cat body language and communication?

The book Kitty Language by Lili Chin is available both in ebook and paper formats.

Are you in doubt about your cat’s body language? Schedule an appointment with us here. We’re here to help you to give your cat their best life possible and to better understand them!

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