
are the

new dogs!

Why limit yourself to a dog trainer? Your cat is just as deserving of you to seek help in understanding them and in allowing to them to better function in your home. 💖

Rediscover harmony in your feline household!

Our mission

To modify behavior and solve problems.

To help cats and humans to better understand one another and to better live together.

Make sense of those Feline Folies!

The power is in your hands.

You and your cat are a click away from starting a whole new relationship!

Why Folies Félines?

Folies Félines is perfect for you if…

  • You want to better understand and cohabitate with your cat.
  • You understand that changing behavior will require a certain amount of time and a certain amount of effort on your part because cats are living beings, not programmable robots!
  • You want to help your cat to better function in its every day life.
  • You like the “detective” approach where we identify hypotheses, test them by putting modifications into effect and readjust according to the results.

At Folies Félines, we:

  • do the detective work required to discover where the problem comes from.
  • explain to you what the behavior modification possibilities are.
  • generate solutions to explore together to develop a plan of action adapted to your personal reality.
  • support you in applying that plan.

No behavior consultant can guarantee results because:

  • Cats are living being and like all living beings, contrary to programmable robots, they are sometimes unpredictable.
  • YOU are the operator of the changes that we will agree to. If you change nothing, nothing will change. 😉

What we can promise:

  • We will provide you with solutions.
  • We will adapt our recommendations to your personal reality by discussing them with you.
  • We will support you in your journey of behavior change.
  • If you put in place our recommendations, you will see a difference in your cat’s behavior.

I understand what you are going through. Our cat’s behavior sometimes seems incomprehensible to us. At Folies Félines, you will receive a personalized service that has no equivalent with free advice on the internet. Our consults aren’t an hour and a half for nothing. 😉

Are you looking for a cat trainer? A cat tamer?

What you actually need is a cat behavior consultant!

You are in the right place. 👍

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