
Caroline has maintained a YouTube channel since 2016 where you can find videos on a variety of subjects relating to cats.

To search for a particular subject below, use the search function of your device: CTRL+F for Windows, Command+F for Apple, Three horizontal bars and then Find on page Samsung mobile phone, etc.


Outdoor access

Activities / Enrichment

Camera on a cat




Walking on leash




Varia / Folies / Experiments


Chat au vétérinaire Cat at the vet

Videos by playlist

Outdoor access

Cat Flap training – Short versionEasy training for using the cat flap without even needing to be present!
Solving a noisy microchip cat flapEasy training for your cat to not be afraid of the movement of the latch that goes down and the sound of the latch when the microchip is detected. (SUREFLAP)
Catio tour and suggestionsTour of our catio and recommendations (mesh, materials, installation, practical considerations, etc.)
Winter cat flap (Freedom Pet Pass)Review and explanations of our winter cat flap (RANGER Basic Cat Door).
La litière extérieure pour chatsAn example of an outdoor litter box to attract cats, avoiding having their pee and poop everywhere in the garden. (In French).
Première excursion dans les tunnels de Habitat HavenMy cats’ first exploration of their new Habitat Haven tunnels.
Cat door trainingA longer version of our “Cat Flap training – Short version” video for geeks that want to think about it more fully.
Cat fences – 1 of 2: our adventureAn exploration of our attempts at cat fences and the technical aspects.
Cat fences – 2 of 2: Challenges and benefitsAn exploration of the challenges and benefits associated with cat fences.

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Activities / Enrichment

Jeu d’odeur avec chat / Scent work with catsAn example of a scent game with Miley.
Les puzzles alimentaires pour chatsIntroduction to cat puzzle feeders. (in French)
Liste de puzzles alimentairesAbout forty food puzzles that your cats could solve. (in French)
Le gazon à chatsIntroduction to cat grass, not to be mistaken for catnip! (in French)
Perchoir/Grattoir démontableA DIY perch and scratcher, including materials, assembly and demonstrations. (in French)
On baptise le nouveau poteau à chatMiley and Meloman baptize the new climbing post that I’ve installed between my desk and the elevated cat shelves.
Catio tour and suggestionsTour of our catio and recommendations (mesh, materials, installation, practical considerations, etc.)
Première excursion dans les tunnels de Habitat HavenMy cats’ first exploration of their new Habitat Haven tunnels.
Un grattoir simpleAn example of a small DIY scratcher. (in French)
Les GrattoirsExplanations about cat scratchers and their importance for cats. (in French)
Escalier à chatsDIY cat staircase with steps and demonstrations.
Le Parc d’amusement vertical pour chats en accéléréA quick overview of our vertical cat course.
Des idées pour enrichir la vie de vos chatsAll sorts of things: shelves, catwalks, staircases, bridges, scratcher, hammocks, tunnels, cat flaps, catios, cat grass. And feline demonstrations! (in French)
Des idées pour enrichir la vie de vos chats – 2e partieOther ideas: catwalks, hideouts, self groomers and cleaning brush. Please note that I have since realized that keeping the bark that slowly rots away is not a good idea! (in French)
Les roues à chatsA review of two models of cat wheels on the market: the One Fast Cat (not-recommended) and the Ferris / ZiggyDoo (recommended). (in French)
Les vacances de Miley Meloman et Luca 2017 en 45 secondesA quick overview of my cats on vacation.
Résumé des vacances de Miley Meloman et Luca 2017Miley, Meloman and Luca met a goat, a sheep, miniature horses, a donkey, chickens and ducks during their vacation, as well as going into the forest, visiting a lake and exploring as only curious small felines can. (in French)
Partir en vacances avec ses chatsRecommendations if you are planning to go on vacation with your cat. (in French)

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Camera on a cat

Caméra sur chat – Mai 2023 – Miley dans l’arbreMiley climbs a tree while wearing an Insta 360 GO2 camera.
Caméra sur chat – Mars 2023Miley climbs on my hands and then comes towards me in the back alley while wearing an Insta 360 GO2 camera.
Caméra sur chat – Tunnels dans la neige – Janvier 2023Miley roams about in tunnels and on the play module in snow while wearing an Insta 360 GO2 camera.
Caméra sur chat – Écureuils – Novembre 2022Miley runs after a squirrel in the yard while wearing an Insta 360 GO2 camera.
Caméra sur chat – Novembre 2022Miley in the play module, recalling and observing birds while wearing an Insta 360 GO2 camera.
Caméra sur chat – 1ère neige dans le noirMiley goes out from the house and roams about in the snow in the yard while wearing an Insta 360 GO2 camera.
Caméra sur chat – Séance de jeu avec Meloman – Novembre 2022Wand toy play session with Meloman wearing an Insta 360 GO2 camera.
Caméra sur chat – dans la ruelle – Octobre 2022Cats wearing an Insta 360 GO2 camera and looking at a human, meeting a dog and exploring the back alley.
Caméra sur chat – sur le trottoir – Octobre 2022Miley looks for a litter box, see a truck and pedestrians, recalls and asks for treats while wearing an Insta 360 GO2 camera.
Caméra sur chat – Dans la cour – Octobre 2022Miley runs in the garden, goes in the litter box and perches while wearing an Insta 360 GO2 camera.

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Interaction féline de surprisePolite communication following surprise (tongue flick, head turning)
Conversation féline de jeuPlay session between two cats.
Arrêt de jeuPlay session between two cats.
Copains de ruelle – Pratique d’observationMeeting and play session between two cats.
Interaction félineFeline conversation.
Pratique d’autoObservation of the body language during exploration of the car.
Miley – Folie FélineMiley plays with toys and has cat zoomies.
2018-03-20 1ère et 2e sorties de Lily hors de la cageObservation of body language of a cat exploring new environments for the first time.
Two petting interactions – Deux interactions de flattageObservation of two petting interactions, in one of which the cat will express her displeasure at being petted. Did you see coming which one was which?
Miley reconnait SA voixMiley recognizes the voice with which I always make him talk and orients towards me.
Videos of cat interactionsCompilation of interactions and my reflections on feline communication.
Observations and results of camera tracking over 4 years in my backyardImages and summary of results from four years of tracking the cats visiting my garden in Montreal.

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Services en comportement félin / Feline Behavior servicesWe offer behavior services.
Observations and results of camera traking over 4 years in my backyardImages and summary of results from four years of tracking the cats visiting my garden in Montreal.
Réaction de FlehmenFlehmen response.
Le stress des moustachesAn explanation of the possibility of whisker stress. (in French)
2017-08-25 – Le jour où Miley et Meloman sont montés dans le ginko très hautMiley et Meloman climb a tree.
Miley et Meloman dans le Ginko avec ZOOM pour voir le travail des pattesMiley et Meloman climb a tree: look at the working of the paws.
Exemple de marquageAn excerpt from an documentary by National Geographic where a tiger rubs.
Cat urine cleanersA review of a variety of cat urine cleaners.

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How to teach your cat how to get down a tree using clicker trainingTraining your cat how to get down trees.
Cat tricks for the KPCT training challengeCompilation of varied behaviors for the Karen Pryor Clicker Training training challenge on Live From The Ranch.
Back Feet TargetTraining your cat to put their back paws on a target.
Approximations – Pattes sur cannes – Paws on cansAn example of approximations for training a two paw target.

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Les roues à chatsA review of two models of cat wheels on the market: the One Fast Cat (not-recommended) and the Ferris / ZiggyDoo (recommended). (in French)
Quelques types de harnais pour chatA review of a variety of cat harnesses (1 of 2) (in French)
Quelques types de harnais pour chat – 2e vidéoA review of a variety of cat harnesses (2 de 2) (in French)
Winter cat flap (Freedom Pet Pass)Review and explanations of our winter cat flap RANGER Basic Cat Door.
Stick a lick mat to any vertical surface!Tip for sticking a lick mat on a vertical surface: Dashboard anti slip mat
Camera comparison: Yi 1080p vs Wyze V3Comparison of two security camera models with advantages and disadvantages.
Cat urine clearnersA review of a variety of cat urine cleaners.

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Walking on leash

Promener son chat en laisseConsiderations and recommendations for walking your cat on leash. (in French)
Comment mettre un harnais à son chatTraining your cat to wear a harness. (in French)
Quelques types de harnis pour chatA review of a variety of cat harnesses (1 of 2) (in French)
Quelques types de harnais pour chat – 2e vidéoA review of a variety of cat harnesses (2 of 2) (in French)
Les fugueurs de porteTraining and suggestions to avoid cats charging the door as soon as it is open. (in French)
Les Pochettes à gâteriesRecommendations for treat pouches. (in French)
Partir en vacances avec ses chatsRecommendations if you are planning to go on vacation with your cat. (in French)

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Optimizing capacity for care in sheltersExplanation of the principles of capacity for care, duration of stay and resources available.

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Medicating your cat: Gelatin CapsulesExplanations regarding gelatin capsules: how they can remove the bad taste of medication and help your cat to take their meds themselves.
Donner des pilules à votre chat sans restreinteExplanations allowing you to have your cat eat their own pills. (in French)
Prise de sang jugulaire / Jugular blood drawExample of a jugular blood draw with minimal restraint.
Cystocentèse pour collecteur l’urine d’un chat / Cystocentesis to collect the urine of a catExample of cystocentesis with minimal restraint.
Mesure de la pression artérielle / Blood pressure measurementExample of blood pressure measurement with minimal restraint.
Nail trim adapted to each cat (3 cats)Examples of techniques to trim a cat’s nails in way that are comfortable for them.
Stick a lick mat to any vertical surface!Tip for sticking a lick mat on a vertical surface: Dashboard anti slip mat
Collecting cat urineTips to help you collect your cat’s urine.

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Varia / Folies / Experiments

Moments de folie félineCats playing together and with objects.
Miley – Folie FélineMiley playing with toys and having cat zoomies.
The Plexiglass Experiment RevisitedTraining cats to choose the right string out of two following my reading about a similar experiment.
Recommandations de lectureRecommended books if you’re interested in feline behavior. (in French, but the books are in English)
Résumé des vacances de Miley Meloman et Luca 2017Miley, Meloman and Luca met a goat, a sheep, miniature horses, a donkey, chickens and ducks during their vacation, as well as going into the forest, visiting a lake and exploring as only curious small felines can. (in French)
Les vacances de Miley Meloman et Luca 2017 en 45 secondesA quick overview of my cats on vacation.
Miley reconnait SA voixMiley recognizes the voice with which I always make him talk and orients towards me.
Première excursion dans les tunnels de Habitat HavenMy cats’ first exploration of their new Habitat Haven tunnels.
Exemple de marquageAn excerpt from an documentary by National Geographic where a tiger rubs.
Mouvement des pattes du chat en marcheObservation of the movement of a cat’s four paws.
Au revoir LucaMultiples clips of Luca.

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Lunch & Learn 2024 #1 – Helping your clients to help your patientsRecording 1 of 4 of the Lunch & Learn series I did in 2024 with veterinary professionals as a target audience.
Lunch & Learn 2024 #2 – Feline body language in a veterinary settingRecording 2 of 4 of the Lunch & Learn series I did in 2024 with veterinary professionals as a target audience.
Lunch & Learn 2024 #3 – Feline stress reduction techniques in a veterinary settingRecording 3 of 4 of the Lunch & Learn series I did in 2024 with veterinary professionals as a target audience.
Lunch & Learn 2024 #4 – How to introduce the topic of behavior issues to your clientsRecording 4 of 4 of the Lunch & Learn series I did in 2024 with veterinary professionals as a target audience.

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