Waiting room questionnaire for veterinarians
(Inspired by Duxbury Et al. 2023)
Recommended books
Think like a cat – Pam Johnson-Bennett
It’s THE book that you should read if you read only one. Everyone with a cat should read it.
Kitty Language – Lili Chin
To better understand what your cat is trying to communicate.
Cat Sense – John Bradshaw
If you want to explore the “What is a cat?” and think about it, this book is a good choice.
The Trainable Cat – Sarah Ellis & John Bradshaw
A book that explains simple training that’s easy to put in place with your cat to improve their quality of life.
Nine lives are not enough – Dr Mary Gardner
A book that talks about caring for your geriatric cat.
Recommended websites
Food puzzles for cats:
Repertoire of cat training and handling videos (curated by Caroline):
Recommended courses
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